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Relationship Quizzes

Assess the strengths in your relationship and identify areas that may need attention with these quizzes.

What to Expect in Family Therapy

What to Expect from Family Therapy

Michael Brown

Read this before you consider going to therapy as a family ...

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Love Quiz: How Do You Tell the Story of Your Relationship?

Kyle Benson

All couples have a story. What's yours? ...

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How Much Do Your Trust Your Partner

Love Quiz: Do You Trust Your Partner?

Kyle Benson

Dr. Gottman has established a way to mathematically evaluate trust in a relationship. ...

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Love Quiz: Do You and Your Partner Have Shared Goals?

Kyle Benson

When you share goals, you create new meaning for your relationship. ...

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Love Quiz: How Well Do You Repair Your Relationship?

Kyle Benson

All couples argue. Successful couples repair. ...

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How Positively Do You View Your Partner

Love Quiz: How Positively Do You View Your Partner?

Kyle Benson

Access the level of positivity in your relationship. ...

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How Well Do Your Connect Emotionally With Your Partner

How Well Do You Connect Emotionally With Your Partner?

Kyle Benson

Turning toward your partner is the foundation of trust, emotional connection, and passionate sex. ...

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How Much do You Admire and Respect Your Partner

Love Quiz: How Much Do You Admire and Respect Your Partner?

Kyle Benson

Assess the state of your fondness and admiration system. ...

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How Well Do You Know Your Partner

Love Quiz: Do You Truly Know Your Partner?

Kyle Benson

Find out how well you truly know your partner. ...

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is it time to leave your relationship

Love Quiz: Is It Time to Leave Your Relationship?

Kyle Benson

When asked what advice he would give his younger self, Dr. Gottman said “Get out of bad relationships sooner.” ...

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corona virus communication pandemic

Homework Assignment: Repair Attempts

The Gottman Institute

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Love Quiz State of Sex Life

Love Quiz: What Is The State of Your Sex Life?

Ellie Lisitsa

Take the following quiz to assess the quality of sex, romance, and passion in your relationship. ...

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