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Gottman Love Notes

Gottman Love Notes is a research-based newsletter featuring the latest and greatest from The Gottman Institute. Whether you’re new to Gottman or a big fan, we believe that you’ll find something interesting, relevant, or refreshing in the content featured in each issue of Love Notes. Sign up now and get a free relationship download! 

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Embarking on a new adventure can be exciting, but it can also test your relationships. Travel of any kind—even quick getaways—can bring out the best and worst in everyone.

It’s important to practice healthy communication habits, strategies for connection, and emotional intelligence for smooth sailing!

Even if you don’t have upcoming travel plans, this guide can still help you find ways to connect with all the loved ones in your life right here at home.

Why Love Notes?

Relationships are hard work. Being “good” at loving other people doesn’t come naturally to most people, but it is a skill you can learn and practice. Love Notes are regular email reminders of how the decades of research behind The Gottman Institute and Gottman Method Couples Therapy inform everything we do. Love can be studied and the research can be applied to improve relationships right away. Take note.

We also provide relevant updates from the larger therapy community. This includes specialists who have applied our research to different types of relationships, individual therapy, and more throughout the mental health space. All in the name of helping people love each other and themselves better.

Looking for clinical content for therapists and other mental health and well-being professionals? Sign up for the Gottman Pro Newsletter and get updates on trainings, new courses, professional opportunities, and resources to help you dig deeper into Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

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