Practice and refine your use of Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Over 100,000 mental health professionals around the world have trained in Gottman Method Couples Therapy. Throughout each level, participants learn proven assessment techniques and effective intervention strategies that will help them serve couples in their communities, all based on the popular research-backed Gottman Method.
“When a classmate mentioned the University Outreach Program (UOP) through The Gottman Institute, I jumped at the opportunity. The UOP allowed our MFT program to host our own Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 1 Training at our university over the course of a weekend… Our advisors coordinated the training, picked a weekend that worked for us, and we dove into the research-based Gottman Method!”
Student Discounts
Students can gain access to training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy at just a fraction of the cost! Take advantage of a special student discount of 50% off the regular cost for student groups. Join the University Outreach Program today.
Students who don’t have a group of at least 5 can take advantage of our individual student discount of 20% off. Are you an instructor or faculty member who works with students? Learn more about the University Outreach Program.
Get 50% off Level 1 and 2 Gottman Clinical Training, Bringing Baby Home On-Demand Educator Training, and Treating Affairs and Trauma for student groups through the University Outreach Program!
Student discounts available, click here to request more info.
Gottman Connect
Sign up for Gottman Connect to access a powerful digital platform, providing unparalleled clinical tools for application of the Gottman Method inside and outside of therapy. Learn More
The Gottman Relationship Checkup
The Gottman Relationship Checkup is a scientifically proven digital assessment tool that improves therapy by providing professionals and couples with comprehensive relationship insights, personalized results, and specific treatment recommendations. Used by the Gottmans and over 10,000 clinical professionals globally, the Gottman Relationship Checkup utilizes research-based algorithms to generate unique summary reports for both the clinician and the couple. Learn More
The Gottman Relationship Builder
The Gottman Relationship Builder is an impactful, easy-to-use digital intervention tool designed to improve therapy adherence by increasing communication between clinicians and couples, leading to stronger relationships and preventing relapse. Professionals can leverage an extensive library of research-based videos and role-playing exercises to create an effective treatment plan for clients to help them build healthier, more resilient relationships. Learn More
Gottman Store for Professionals
Whether you’re looking to learn the basics or want to train to become a Certified Gottman Therapist, take advantage of effective clinical tools designed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman to enhance your understanding and practice of the Gottman Method. Visit the Professionals Store.
Certification in Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Work towards Certification in Gottman Method Couples Therapy to become a Certified Gottman Therapist. Learn More
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