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Find a Couples Therapist

Use the Gottman Referral Network to easily find a Gottman-trained couples therapist near you.

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What is the Gottman Referral Network?

Professional psychologist taking notes at couple meeting with patients

The Gottman Referral Network (GRN) is the primary resource for couples worldwide who are seeking professional help from Gottman-trained therapists. GRN members have received training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, an approach based on 40 years of research with thousands of couples. Free to access, this database puts you directly in touch with experienced clinicians who use Gottman relationship-building techniques.

Therapists listed on the GRN have been trained by either Drs. John and Julie Gottman or Certified Gottman Therapists to work with individuals, children, and/or families on many issues. Many of our therapists specialize in treating anxiety, depression, addictions, trauma, abuse, and domestic violence, multi-cultural issues, and blended families, among others.

Gottman Referral Network therapists are located throughout the world. Gottman clinicians work from their own private practice or agency offices located.

Whether you are in crisis or whether you need a fresh look at an ongoing problem, a Gottman-trained therapist will contribute many years of training and experience toward helping you and your partner create a healthier and happier future.

What are the different levels of Gottman-trained therapists?

While on the Gottman Referral Network you’ll notice each therapist listed has a level of training listed below their name. The gold color denotes a therapist that has attained the level of Certified Gottman Therapist. All therapists listed on the Gottman Referral Network have completed at least Level 2 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

Therapists listed on the Gottman Referral Network (GRN) are all licensed or certified therapists who practice independently in their state, province, or country and are not supervised or monitored by Drs. John and Julie Gottman or The Gottman Institute. However, each has been specifically trained to provide Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

While on the Gottman Referral Network you’ll notice each therapist listed has a level of training listed below their name. The gold color denotes a therapist that has attained the level of Certified Gottman Therapist. All therapists listed on the Gottman Referral Network have completed at least Level 2 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

Therapists listed on the Gottman Referral Network (GRN) are all licensed or certified therapists who practice independently in their state, province, or country and are not supervised or monitored by Drs. John and Julie Gottman or The Gottman Institute. However, each has been specifically trained to provide Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

Are there any fees for using the Gottman Referral Network?

Using the Gottman Referral Network to find a Gottman-trained therapist is free of charge.

Fees for therapy provided by Gottman-trained therapists are arranged directly with the independent therapist. Many therapists accept insurance when applicable.

More Information

If you would like further information about the Gottman Referral Network you can contact us here.