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Getting to Know You: Questions to Ask Your Dating Partner

Have a conversation that matters

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In a dating relationship, getting to know each other is key. Every date, text, call, and interaction has the potential for you both to discover more about each other’s inner worlds. The more you learn about each other, the more you can create shared meaning together and, even at the early stages, have rituals of connection over which you bond. 

Have deeper conversations on a date

Initial dates and conversations likely covered surface topics like your pets and hobbies. However, what kinds of questions can lead to deeper conversations?

In Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, Drs. John and Julie Gottman, along with Doug and Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams, offer discussion topics that help you get to the heart of what you both want out of your lives and your relationship. And you don’t have to wait for a commitment to ask these open-ended questions—you can start as soon as your next date.

Depending on the length and status of your relationship, some of these questions may be good to ask now and some are better timed for further down the road. You decide but plan to have meaningful conversations as you date and grow together. As you work through them, you’ll set the foundation for a love that lasts a lifetime.

Questions to ask on a date

  • What does trust mean to you?
  • How was conflict handled in your family growing up?
  • How do you feel about work now and how do you see it changing in the future?
  • What are your hopes and dreams when it comes to money?
  • What does family mean to you?
  • How did you like to play as a child?
  • What’s the most recent adventurous thing you did?
  • How do you feel you have grown the most? In what areas?

Final Thought 

These are just a few of the questions that can help you understand each other better as you move through your relationship. Download our Gottman Card Deck app for more questions and conversation topics for couples.

Are things getting serious between you two? Give your relationship a solid foundation with the latest release from the Gottman Relationship CoachAll About Love! We’ve bundled together our best-selling programs, How to Make Your Relationship WorkLoving Out Loud, and Building a Life Together, to offer you this special discount. Let Drs. John and Julie Gottman guide you through the essential steps towards a deeper connection with your partner. Put your relationship first and check it out today.

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Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $179.00.

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The Gottman Relationship Adviser is a complete approach to relationship wellness. Measure your relationship health with the research-based Gottman Assessment, analyze five key areas of your partnership to identify your strengths and weaknesses, then start a tailored, step-by-step digital program proven to heal and strengthen your connection—all on your schedule and from anywhere.

The Adviser uses the legendary scientific Gottman Method to help you understand what’s really going on in your relationship—and gives you exactly what you need to improve it.

Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Research-based Foundations for a Lifetime of Love.  The Gottman Relationship Coach is an inspiring and educational multimedia experience designed to enhance the well-being of relationships. Participants will be guided through research-based tools and communication skills that can transform relationships—all based on the popular Gottman Method. The first program, “How to Make Your Relationship Work”, is now available and includes:

  • The Gottman Method and How to Make Your Relationship Work
  • How do we predict the future of a relationship?
  • How to build a Sound Relationship House
  • What to do when the destructive Four Horsemen enter your relationship

“Buy Now” will take you to GOTTMAN CONNECT to purchase and view this product.


Created by “the Einstein of Love” (Psychology Today), this two-day workshop is grounded on what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable. See for yourself why millions of couples worldwide have benefited from the Gottman Method.

Quote from participant in most recent Live Virtual Workshop:

The Art and Science of Love workshop- where do I begin? It was an absolute stellar workshop. We were looking forward to this for weeks, and it exceeded our expectations! It was well-structured, and well-organized, and provided a wealth of information with real-time demonstrations of how to work through specific scenarios. The outstanding support that was provided throughout the exercises with therapists on standby- WOW! Priceless!

Includes the Art & Science of Love box set.  Please allow time for shipping.  Please Note: This is a live online event. To attend, you will need a reliable internet connection. Our staff will reach out to you with your personal registration and access information.

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