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The Relationship Alphabet

Follow Zach Brittle’s column as he explores relationship topics from A to Z.

D is for Defensiveness

Zach Brittle, LMHC

Defensiveness is a wicked game. But it’s winnable. ...

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Z is for Zed

Zach Brittle, LMHC

Here we are at Zed - the end of the alphabet. It’s been a pretty incredible experience working through these 26 ...

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Y is for Yes

Zach Brittle, LMHC

Yes is a word that does more than answer a question. It creates opportunity and invites possibility. 


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X is for X-Rated

Zach Brittle, LMHC

My first exposure to pornography was over 30 years ago. It was in the basement of my childhood home where my ...

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W is for Wednesday

Zach Brittle, LMHC

What would you guess is the most common reason couples come into therapy? The lady who cuts my hair thinks it’s ...

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V is for Violence

Zach Brittle, LMHC

In case you missed it, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I’m not really sure how you could have missed it, ...

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U is for Understanding

Zach Brittle, LMHC

Understanding must precede advice ...

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T is for Turning

Zach Brittle, LMHC

I’ve already stated that Repair is my favorite concept in the Gottman lexicon. My second favorite concept is Turning. ...

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couple looking at the sunset

Talking about sex is more intimate than having sex

Zach Brittle, LMHC

Turns out, the most important part of cultivating a healthy sex life is talking about a healthy sex life. ...

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R is for Repair

Zach Brittle, LMHC

In relational terms, repair is less about fixing what is broken and more about getting back on track. ...

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Q is for Questions

Zach Brittle, LMHC

I have to confess, when I opened up my column to your questions, I was really hoping to get a bunch ...

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P is for Problems

Zach Brittle, LMHC

John Gottman’s research revealed that about ⅔ of relationship problems are unsolvable. One of my favorite questions for couples is whether ...

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