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Elizabeth Earnshaw

Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT

Certified Gottman Therapist and Contributor

Elizabeth Earnshaw is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist & Certified Gottman Therapist. She is the author of “I Want This To Work: An Inclusive Guide to Navigating the Most Difficult Issues We Face in the Modern Age.” Elizabeth owns A Better Life Therapy, LLC in Philadelphia, PA, and is the head therapist at Actually, a modern premarital counseling company. Elizabeth is passionate about relational wellness and believes that when we have the tools to succeed in our relationships, it can make an immense difference in the quality of our lives. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram for daily relationship tips.

Elizabeth's Posts

core beliefs

What are Your Core Beliefs and Needs? (and why it’s important to identify them)

Elizabeth Earnshaw

When it comes to conflict, knowing the issue underneath the problem is half the battle. ...

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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Relationship

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Relationship

Elizabeth Earnshaw

What do you think about your relationship? ...

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Red Flag/Green Flag: What to Look for When You’re Dating

Elizabeth Earnshaw

How can you tell if someone is right for you? ...

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