Jenny's Posts

What to Do When You Disagree

Jenny TeGrotenhuis, LMHC  //  

Repair happens when we build bridges of validation that connect us, deepening our sense of belonging and security.

Neutrality is Invalidation

Jenny TeGrotenhuis, LMHC  //  

Invalidation is a form of relational trauma which, over time, harms the brain and nervous system, and also results in the disintegration of any healthy bonds of connection, and dissolution of trust in others. Healing requires the slow, ongoing work of diligent growth in character, self-awareness, and love.

Under Stress, We All Regress

Jenny TeGrotenhuis, LMHC  //  

A story of how compassion helped a family find relief when stressful conditions activated trauma triggers and coping mechanisms.

Reclaiming Our Stories From Trauma

Jenny TeGrotenhuis, LMHC  //  

Our past may have written the script, but we can write a new script for how we respond in the present.