
Small Things Often

Welcome to Small Things Often, a podcast from The Gottman Institute Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small … Continued

Manage Conflict: Moving Forward

The real predictor of a relationship’s failure is a couple’s inability to manage conflict in a healthy manner and to move forward.

An Age-By-Age Guide to Helping Kids Manage Emotions

How we react to our kids’ emotions has an impact on the development of their emotional intelligence.

Manage Conflict

The Four Horsemen are detrimental to an office environment and work culture.

Manage Conflict: Using Compromise as an Opportunity to Build Intimacy

Dr. Gottman found that compromise is essential to managing conflict in relationships.

Manage Conflict – Part 1

The real symbol of your relationship health isn’t how perfect your wedding day is. It’s how well you handle the inevitable problems you will face in your marriage.

Manage Conflict – Part 4

Managing conflict isn’t simply about being aware of and intentional about your thoughts and your words.

Manage Conflict: Repair and De-Escalate

Here are a few examples of phrases that you can use to help repair and de-escalate when conversations get tense.

Manage Conflict: The Art of Compromise

We’ve all been in the middle of an argument that we know we cannot win, understanding that our frustration has overwhelmed all sense of perspective. 

Manage Conflict: Accepting Influence

When it comes to relationships, if one partner is “winning,” then both partners are losing.

Manage Conflict – Part 3

Once you accept that 2/3 of marital issues are about perpetual problems, you can turn your attention toward the next essential skill in conflict management: learning to Dialogue About Problems.