Event Overview
Single and looking to build a happy, lasting partnership? Learn essential skills to make your next relationship a successful one with this Lessons in Love Singles Workshop. Based on Dr. John Gottman’s New York Times bestseller, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, this workshop has adapted the proven Seven Principles to help singles learn the key to building successful romantic relationships.
For more information or to register, contact
Valerie Weeks at 321-234-7108 or valerie@joyfulmindtherapy.com or visit the registration site.
Registration Site
Based on Dr. Gottman's
New York Times bestseller
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, this workshop is being created to help singles learn how to have fulfilling and successful relationships. We will answer your questions about dating and relationships, including:
- What qualities should I look for in a partner?
- What questions should I ask on a first date?
- Can I trust him/her?
- How do I know if he/she is the one?
As a result of this workshop you will learn:
- How to cultivate friendship, fondness, and admiration as the basis of happy relationships
- The phases of a relationship, as well as how to know who you can trust
- How to understand the role of constructive conflict in healthy relationships
- To focus on life dreams and shared meaning as a route to fulfilling relationships and a fulfilling life for yourself
In addition to a greater understanding of how to build friendship, manage conflict, and create shared meaning in your future relationship, you will also receive the Lessons in Love Singles Guide in either digital or hard-copy format.