
Small Things Often

Welcome to Small Things Often, a podcast from The Gottman Institute Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small … Continued

Creating A Culture of Appreciation

Follow this exercise to learn how to appreciate one another.

Homework Assignment: Thanksgiving Every Day

Practice gratitude and express appreciation for your loved ones every day.

3 Daily Rituals That Stop Spouses from Taking Each Other for Granted

Daily rituals keep the sense of connection strong in marriage and assure that romance, affection, and appreciation are a part of your married life every day.

How To Change Your Own Contempt

You may not even be aware of how you are acting or speaking out of contempt—often it can feel like you are being genuine. Dr. John Gottman realized there needs to be a path that leads to a culture of appreciation, and that is by expressing your feelings and longings.

Navigating the Challenges of Stepfamily Life

A successful remarriage and building a new stepfamily requires a foundation built on appreciation, respect, and tolerance.

Share Fondness and Admiration

Sharing fondness and admiration is the antidote to contempt.